Updated on 05/08/2020, 2:00 PM EST
With our return-to-the-office plans pending, the safety and well-being of our employees remains our top priority. To ensure the safety of all employees during the coronavirus pandemic, all employees will observe to the following protocols when entering AmeriLife Place.
- Employees arrive in 15 minutes increments at scheduled times on the first day they return to work; managers will inform employees of their first-day staggered start times; on subsequent days, employees report to work at their regularly scheduled times
- Walkways are identified for building entry with markings at 6-foot intervals to ensure social distancing guidelines are followed when approaching the building. (In the event of inclement weather, please report to the parking garage to remain under cover until you are permitted to enter the building)
- Carts are positioned outside of the building – at the beginning of each walkway (employees place their boxed computer equipment on or next to the cart; employee should mark the box with their name at the top)
- Employees proceed to the building entry maintaining a 6-foot distance from one another and entering the building one at a time when directed to
- If employee has any personal items, employee places in a plastic container on a staging table (two tables are to the right of employees as they enter the building)
- Employee displays his/her badge
- Each employees is provided one mask upon entering the building (if they are not already wearing their own)
- With their mask, each employee is also provided a small, brown paper bag and pencil (paper bag is for mask storage when not being used; pencil can be used as a “finger” for elevator buttons, phones, etc.)
- New masks will be provided twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays); employees are required to mark their names on their paper bags and store masks in paper bags
- Employee either puts on his/her mask or holds it to his/her face – to cover their mouth and nose. (Masks are required for temperature readings only – after, temperature reading, wearing a mask is optional, though encouraged and strongly recommended, particularly when walking in the hallways, visiting common areas or in the elevators/stairwells)
- Temperature is taken at a 12-inch distance; no physical contact is made with the employee (temperature checks will be conducted only on arrival each morning)
- Employees with a temperature of less than 100°F use hand sanitizer (also on table) and are permitted to enter the building
- Employee’s personal belongings (plastic container) is moved by security to the elevator side of the table for employee to gather his/her items (this process is similar to screening for carry-on items at airports)
- Security sprays container with Lysol after each use
- Employee proceeds to work area
- Boxes are delivered to work areas by IT/Mail Services
- Employee picks up his/her box and assembles their computer and monitor (IT is available to assist)
- If an employee’s temperature is more than 100°F, employee is asked to move to a seating area in the lobby for a second temperature reading
- Lobby is set up with limited chairs at a 6-to-8-foot distance (available exclusively for employees to wait for a second temperature reading)
- Employee waits a few minutes and has a second temperature reading; if temperature is still over 100°F, employee is advised to go to a walk-in clinic and then report home
- If on the first day of return, employee’s computer box remains outside for employee to bring home
- Employees are encouraged to wear masks while at work, and it is strongly recommended employees wear masks when walking the halls, visiting the restrooms and breakrooms, using the elevators or stairwells, and when in common areas
Please review the other best practices and recommendations from the CDC shared in preparation for your return to the office. Click here to review the key guidelines to help prevent the spread of the virus, and click here to review the best practices for proper handwashing techniques.
Click here to review our Frequently Asked Questions document.
If your question is not answered, please contact your manager or supervisor. If your manager or supervisor is unable to answer your question, he/she will contact the appropriate members of the Business Continuity Planning team to address your questions as quickly as possible
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